Studio employs expert 3D creatives to create bespoke heritage immersive experiences. With specialists in environment reconstruction modelling and character creation, our detailed 3D digital models of places and historic events can be displayed in a variety of ways, through Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Gaming Experiences. Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Gaming - Roman Kitchen3D Medieval Characters from Wessex Archaeology What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive experience where computer generated information is overlaid onto a real-world environment. It can include visual, auditory and haptic information. As part of a heritage interpretation, Augmented Reality can be used to show: historic elements, structures and people, within a modern surrounding. This helps people understand how places and life styles have changed over time and developed into what we see today. Buildings or monuments lost through time can be brought back via the magic of AR, with the use of an app loaded on people’s own devices. Cameron building RB VillaAugmented Reality (AR) Bell Tower SalisburyAugmented Reality (AR) medieval chair in the archive If your site has no WiFi reception you might be interested in our digital display service where an onsite information board can be powered by a solar panel to create a secure WiFi network to serve up 3D, video and website information. Augmented Reality is also an excellent way to make 3D interactive models of beautiful objects and collections from the past. Virtual museums allow people to explore these treasures while in their own home, breaking down accessibility barriers. Virtual copies are particularly important when an object is delicate and cannot be handled. Viewing can be via a computer, phone or tablet. Realistic digital 3D reconstructions of real objects including informative annotations, can be served up anywhere. Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and GamingV